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6 classic mistakes to avoid in training

Writer: Fussball CoachFussball Coach

Recognizing, Analyzing, and Avoiding Mistakes


Hello and a warm welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! This issue shines a spotlight on the following topics:

  1. ❌6 Classic Mistakes in Training

  2. 🚫4 Classic Errors in Team Management

  3. 🆕3 New Exercises for You!

  4. ❓Survey

"With all the effort we put into hiding some of our mistakes, we could easily unlearn them." - Michelangelo

Mistakes aren't exclusive to players; they happen with coaches too. The crucial part is recognizing and improving them – during training, throughout the game, and in leading the team. The examples provided here aren't strict rules; there are exceptions. Sometimes situations require adjustments, but the fundamentals can be found within these guidelines.

❌6 Classic Mistakes in Training

  1. Unspecific Training: Exercises should encompass all facets of the game: tactics, technique, fitness, and psychology.

  2. One-Sided Focus: Emphasizing only one area while neglecting others simultaneously.

  3. Exercises Too Simple/Too Complex: Under or over challenging the players: Difficulty levels should engage them mentally while ensuring they can execute the exercise cleanly and in control.

  4. Extended Periods of Large-Scale Game Formats: Some players might be underwhelmed or physically strained.

  5. Too Much Inactivity/Insufficient Active Training Time: Increasing active training time is necessary.

  6. Inconsistent Coaching: Clear rules and consistent coaching are pivotal.

To minimize errors in training, it's beneficial to allocate time after each session for analysis – both personally and with the coaching team. Additionally, engaging in reflective sessions with players proves helpful. It's not just about data; it's also about sensing the impact the session had on the players.

It's also crucial to regularly assess the training—after various phases of the season or breaks. Identifying patterns within the training routine is crucial, but it's essential to avoid monotony.

Trainers should consistently engage with training methods and theories to foster new ideas. Achieving a balance between self-reflection and evaluation is key to enhancing one's training methods and steering clear of errors.

Observing other coaches and learning from their sessions can also aid in refining one's own training approach. The role of a coach is an ongoing journey—it's about learning from mistakes and continually striving for improvement.


🚫4 Classic Errors in Team Management

The central area of a coach's role is team leadership. It's crucial for them to have a strong presence in the locker room. Mistakes in the interpersonal realm can often have serious consequences, something that's frequently underestimated. However, it's precisely in this area where precision matters, practicing self-reflection, and possibly admitting to errors. A certain sensitivity in social relationships is required here.

You can chop wood, shape bricks, or forge iron. But when it comes to dealing with people, love is indispensable. - Leo Graf Tolstoi

Therefore, it is essential to reserve enough space and time for team leadership and not exclusively focus on technical aspects like tactical processes. For a successful coach, placing intensive emphasis on team leadership should be a primary focus.

Four classic mistakes often arise in team leadership and should be avoided:

  1. Lack of intervention in violations: If internal team conflicts aren't resolved independently, the coach must step in to regulate.

  2. Unequal treatment of individual players: The same rules must apply to every player, consistently enforced.

  3. Inconsistent conduct: As a role model, the coach must consistently embody the values and rules they enforce.

  4. Lack of credibility: Decisions once made should generally not be reversed. Sporting decisions should follow a transparent and understandable pattern.


🆕3 new exercises for you!

We've prepared three new exercises for you! Register for free as a website member to gain unrestricted access to all exercises. We strive to upload new exercises weekly.



A good coach not only combines expertise but also possesses strong social skills. This combination enables them to teach not only technical abilities but also create a motivating and supportive environment for athletes to develop. Considering these skills, where would you say your greatest strengths lie?


  • Technical expertise

  • Social skills




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